Josh never could pass a snake without picking it up!
Copper Clappers
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Josh in Mexico
Posted by
5:30 PM
Week #9 YouTube- 20
I put this video from YouTube on with very little difficulty! "Copper Clappers", alliteration Johnny and Jack style (thanks, Susan at TO, for showing this to us). I think YouTube is great; another way for humankind to show how fantastically creative --for better or worse--we are.
Posted by
9:10 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Week #6 Tagging Folksonomies and Technorati--13, 14, 15
Technorati--I'm understanding that the tags you put in your blog enable a Technorati search to find your blog among the millions of blogs--over 50 million!!-- out there. Before I fool around with my HTML I want help from someone techie sitting right there with me.
I saved my Flickr photos to, haven't subscribed to any webpages yet. I think this may be something I'll use. I set up a account and put a link to it on my blog.
Folksonomies (love the word) , if I'm understanding right, are similar to my Favorites listings, things I'm keeping but have lumped together in a folder under a broad descriptive name (the tag)?? You'd have to do this with all these sites if you use them a lot. I guess it's an organizational function.
Posted by
9:27 PM
Week #2 Blogging 3, 4
I did this long ago, too, but never posted. I'm set up and registered, and working hard on tracking my progress
Posted by
11:20 AM
Week #1 part 2
If you're raising a family you learn to look at problems as challenges early as a way to keep your sanity, or most of it, at least. This becomes your way of approaching most things after a while and makes life easier and much more fun.
Hardest habit--having confidence. It's very hard to believe that difficult decisions will turn out right. I tend to just wait and see. I've made mistakes, so I just have to do my best and keep trying.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Week #1 part 1
I did this long ago but never blogged about it. I'm thrilled to be participating in this program even if I don't finish by deadline. When I began, I knew nothing about most of these things.
Posted by
10:42 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Week #4 RSS feeds and Merlin 8 and 9
I set up an RSS feed at Google Reader and put two sites on it. I haven't figured out how to access it from my blog, though. I know you can get that little symbol on there somehow. I also open a Bloglines newsreader
I'd like to have it accessible from my blog, though. Otherwise, I just have to go to another place.
MERLIN looks like it has a lot of interesting stuff; a nice way to get to know Maryland librarians and news affecting us. I added MERLIN to my Bloglines. I also added Your Neiborhood Librarian 2.0 and TheLibraryLass (Liz's blog) and another YourNeighborhoodLibrarian (Paula at TO-lots of good stuff, great reader's advisory, too).
Here's a good place to look for library themed blogs
Posted by
11:25 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Week #3 5, 6 and 7
I am still working on Flickr. I'm trying to put a picture of my son, Josh, in my blog. The pic was on my Yahoo email and I've successfully uploaded it to Flickr. Now I'm trying to email it to here. I created a google account and am following directions, I think, but so far no luck. I've got 20 more minutes to work on this....
I like the idea of Mappr--arranging pics on a U.S. or world map geographically. I would use something like that for lots of things.
It's the last day to finish the 23 things and I still can't get my picture on my blog!#&*$#@%#$@&*#
I got the picture on last night! It involved cutting and pasting, I don't even remember exactly what, but I could do it again and that's what's important. Since the picture was taken in Mexico, I put it on the map, too. I still need to explore Mappr more as I'm not sure how to put it on a map with other people's pictures.
I wish I had finished by deadline, but I didn't. BUT...I'm going to finish on my own. This stuff is kind of fun--frustrating as anything but fun when it works!
Posted by
8:13 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Week #5, Online image generator 10
Liz showed me how to sign on to Meez. So I played with different images for a while; lots of fun, then I thought I lost everything--computer froze--but when I signed in my avatar was there! Once I saw the tie-dye, I had to wear it and the cat was perfect. I guess you could change your outfit any time you want!
Posted by
7:34 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Week #5 LibraryThing and Rollyo 11 and 12
LibraryThing is just great. I'll use this a lot and will explore it further; there's so much to see in there. I put a link on my blog to LibraryThing.
Rollyo--I finally got it on my blog, symbol and all! It wasn't as hard as I made it seem--I spent lots of time on this and I didn't need to--but that's the way it is with most of these "23 Things".
Posted by
12:21 PM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Foolin' around
I know, I know, my Blog is titled FourCatsOnly. But the picture is so cute, and our dalmatian, Spot, (now deceased), knew all 4 cats.
I'm having fun with images tonight, on Monday I'll work on Flickr and my avatar. This is a slow-go for me, but it's kind of fun!
Posted by
7:35 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Week #2 3 and 4
Okay, I've created an account, named my blog and selected a template. I've written a profile and posted. Now I need to find out what's next. I've been looking at some of the other blogs and they are so neat looking. I feel like I'm in kindergarten.
I also registered my blog and am ready to roll.
Posted by
6:46 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Well, here we go, can't believe I'm blogging! My kids will be impressed that ol' mom can actually do something like this..thanks so much to LN, she helped me get started and made me feel like I can do this!
It took me a long time to get this far. I think it will get easier as I become more comfortable:-)
Posted by
3:36 PM