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Copper Clappers

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week #2 3 and 4

Okay, I've created an account, named my blog and selected a template. I've written a profile and posted. Now I need to find out what's next. I've been looking at some of the other blogs and they are so neat looking. I feel like I'm in kindergarten.

I also registered my blog and am ready to roll.


CatsMeow said...

Hi there, FourCatsOnly! You have been tagged-- yeehah! Please go to Cats Meow blog to see what it's all about!

JimD said...

Don't let those other blogs intimidate you. I'm amazed by the amount of creativity and energy some people have put into them. Mine's fairly simple. Luckily our job with this program is to learn about the 23 things and not become experts in blog formatting!!

Ellen said...

Don't forget to create a post about the 7 1/2 habits and which ones you find the easiest and the most difficult. You're well on your way!